Month: September 2008

  • Anybody think I fell off the face of Xanga?

    I’ve really just been using it for a photo host since I have a Lifetime subscription.  Don’t ask why I do, I just do.  Basically because it’s reliable.  I won’t lose any of them, unless Xanga shuts down, and if it does then I won’t feel bad because I’m not the only one.  So, last post I made…I just turned 18?  Well, hell, I’m 19 almost 20 now.  Man, I’ve had this thing for a while now.  What’s on my mind, hows life you might be asking. 

    Well, life is grand.  Don’t think I could complain much.  Working on becoming independent.  Yeah, still live with the parents but I can’t complain too much.  We still fight just as much as 2 years ago, just over different things now.  Well, sometimes the same things haha.  Some things will just never change with me. 


    I probably won’t check this much, and if I do, I won’t really know how the manuever.  Xanga has changed so much now that I can’t find anything.  Remember the old days?  Where all you had to worry about was your “Look and Feel” and how many comments you got and who made a new post that day?  What happened?


    Simplifying things only complicates people who were out of the game for a while.

    Myspace URL is as follows:

    Find me there most of the time.