Month: November 2006

  • Figure out which of your crushes is most likely to work out in a relationship.  This site uses mathmatic algorithms to create the most possible matches based on the letters in your name and the crushes name.  Check this out for real.

    Crush Calculator

    It worked for me haha. I put my girlfriend’s name in there along with two other fake peoples names and it picked my girlfriend’s name everytime. I did it like 5 times. Crazy man. Anyways, go check out the band’s site. F-Wizzay for shizzay. haha I’m weird tonight.


  • Okay so yeah…

    My life is really good right now.

    I know some people are against it, but yeah I had a relapse.  I’m back with Dani, and I really think we’ve mature alot more since we were going out last time.  It’s not so much about physical attraction anymore.  We’ve really connected in a way beyond that.  I dunno, she and I both have a feeling that it’s a deeper relationship than what it once was, and both of us are really happy with that.  That kind of relationship makes me happy.

    I haven’t talked to my cousin Jonathan in a while now.  It kind of makes me disappointed with how I’ve acted around him.  All the things I’ve done with him that wound up getting both of us in trouble and his parents losing their trust with him around me has made me think.  I’ve done alot of growing up since then I believe.  I’m not really as “wild” anymore I guess.  I just want to apologize to him for all the things that led to him getting in trouble because of me.  I need to listen more, and think more, and then listen some more after that.

    The band is doing really well.  We made some changes with the line-up.  We no longer have a keyboard player, and now we just have 6 members.  It should really be cut down to 5 in my opinion but it seems to be working out alright for now.  The line-up is as follows:

    Ryan – Lead Vocals
    Bryn – Guitar
    Mikey – Drums
    Caleb (me) – Bass
    Grant – Guitar
    Bryan – Vocals

    I think the band is really maturing in their sound and how they want to be seen.  We now have a fully functional light show to go with everything.  Skillet (Tech 1) and Fire-Crotch (Tech 2) have helped out alot with that.  We’ve written 7 or 8 songs so far (I’m still not sure anymore), which includes one new one tonight that we’re still perfecting.  We’ll have a new recording up soon on the MySpace, and it should be halfway decent.  We’ve decided to tune in Drop C, giving the band’s sound a lower, fuller sound.  So be on the lookout for us, we’re planning a tour next summer which could involve anything from going to all the venues in Arkansas, to even going straight up the middle of the U.S. all the way to Chicago.  I hope both.  But yeah, it’s going great.

    On the other hand, finding a job ISN’T.  I need one badly.

    But this is it for now.  I’m done, finished, finito. Through. 


  • So what’s new in my life….

    ….I’ve gone 4 days without a cigarette because I’m attempting to quit.

    ….I’m having estrogen withdrawls.

    ….The Omen is the dumbest movie ever.

    ….I finally got over my problem of girls calling me “Baby”.

    ….I’m still single.

    ….I want a pony.