Month: September 2006

  • Jaded

    Sometimes, I wish I never met that thing they call love.

    Love is a cruel creature.

    I’m so goddamn jaded, my life should be a Sitcom.

  • No, I’m not dead

    Actually, my computer (or Xanga…one or the other) has been quite out of the closet lately, and so I’ve been trying to actually log on for about 3 weeks now.

    Alot of things have happened since then.

    • I have broken up with Shelby.

    • I have started going out with someone else.

    • The band still has yet to practice.

    • I have written new poetry.

    • My car broke.

    • My car got fixed.

    • I have shaved.

    Yeah, lots of stuff.  Just odds and ends.  Probably the biggest was the relationship change.  If I can find it, I’ll post some poetry….

    …well it’s sorta poetry.

    I’ve figured that if I don’t die from this cigarette…

    ..I’m going to die in a freak train wreck, upon which I’m in a donut shop getting a tasty jelly donut, and the train derails and smashes the entire block into oblivion because of some fuckface watching a football game through a 6 inch TV screen in some shack somewhere instead of changing the tracks…


    …I’m going to die in a plane accident, upon which a crack in the window leads to the whole side of the plane breaking off and me being sucked into a jet engine, only to later be classified as air pollution…


    …I’m going to die in a Hollywood-Style snow board accident, in which everthing becomes a scene from the James Bond movie “From Russia With Love”, in which sub-machine gun weilding terrorists in ski masks are skiing down a hill chasing after a man in a suit and tie, and in my attempts to avoid the gunfire I run myself off a cliff….

    ….but more than likely, I’ll just get hit by a car.

    …and like every good story, people will forget the name of the main character or the plot.

    We only remember the endings.

    That’s why I live for them.